The question has recently been asked on the Solar Power Adelaide web resource about exactly where and how solar panels should be correctly placed on your roof to maximize the efficiency of your home solar electricity system. It is critical that you should ensure that the placement of the panels in your home solar electricity system is placed in a position so as to precisely maximise the electrical output of the newly installed renewable energy system . The key issues you need to consider regarding photo voltaic panel placement is most importantly to make sure the panels are facing in Northerly direction. Maximum power output from photo voltaic (or PV for short) panels in Australia is gained when the direction of the panels is due north. Only as a reasonable compromise should you consider north east or north west .These directions will generally be acceptable with around 10- 15 percent reduction in PV panel electricity output.A Southerly facing direction is definitely not s uitable. It is also absolutely critical that you ensure no shading of the panels by surrounding trees occurs as this can reduce your solar installation output significantly. Your acreditted installer should be able to accurately advise you here.. The other very important factor in photo voltaic panel placement is the pitch of your solar panels placed on the roof of your home. Typically a pitch of 22 degrees in Adelaide,South Australia is the best possible pitch solar panel placement.Your solar panel installer will advise you that should you have a flat roof you will need to specially designed solar panel frame ,which generally speaking is made of aluminium to tilt the solar panels to the correct angle . This will maximise the output of the panels and your solar energy system , hence maximizing your solar power efficiency.Because you are making a very large investment in your solar power system for your Adelaide home you need to ensure optimal performance through best design practices.The installer should be checked to ensure he is clean energy council acreditted and that they have many years experience with installation of renewable energy systems in Adelaide.The quality of the inverter is very important and you should check on the track record of the proposed inverter.Many low cost Chinese inverters have been reportedly failing in the field and some companies are choosing slightly more expensive Europenan units instead for greater reliability