Friday, March 02, 2012

What the Mayan calendar says about December 21, 2012 - Spirituality - New Age

For those who are familiar with the December 21, 2012, date of the end times, you probably know that the date was determined by the Mayan calendar, which has a reputation as one of the most, if not the most, accurate calendar.

The Mayans were a remarkably advanced culture, sophisticated and mathematically and astronomically knowledgeable. Their mathematic and astronomy intelligence allowed them to create a detailed and specific calendar, of which December 21, 2012, is one of those specific dates.

The Mayan calendar actually is not just one calendar, but a system of calendars that, when used collectively, determine a number of cycles. The Tzolk'in calendar has 260 days and was the ritual year; the Haab' calendar has 365 days, the solar year - used together, they form a cycle of 52 Haabs before they align. A longer calendar, the Long Count (or World Time), was based on the beginning of the world according to Mayan mythology in a full cycle of 5125.36 year cycles and provides accurate dates when used in conjunction with positions of the other calendars.

The conclusion of all calendars made by the Mayans ends on December 21, 2012. After that date, there is no data provided by the Mayans, no predictions for the future. It is presumed that this means that there is nothing for the human race beyond the 2012 date.

Because the Mayans had keen knowledge of astronomy, their secret codex that describes sunspot cycles may indicate that the world's end could mean a solar flare disrupts the magnetic polarity of the earth, called geomagnetic reversal.

The earth has several periodic geomagnetic reversals in approximately 760000 year cycles, and a solar flare could contribute to the reversal for which we are already overdue. Scientists do not know what will happen during a geomagnetic reversal - some theorize that nothing will happen except electromagnetic instruments and cell phones will be affected.

Human ancestors have survived a geomagnetic reversal before, but it is also thought that the reversal could cause crustal shifts that cause earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and widespread natural catastrophe... and that the 2012 date marks the day that this super-disaster might be predicted, when polar reversal will occur, marking a period of great upheaval and perhaps human extinction.

The 2012 date may also have cosmic significance, where several orbit planes, including the Earth's, the sun's, and the galaxy's, will align in a place that the Mayans called the Sacred Tree.

On December 21, 2012, the winter solstice sun will be right on the galactic band of orbit. Reaching this point is considered an even greater spiritual significance, one that could affect the energy balance of the world - perhaps causing global upheaval, or perhaps causing global enlightenment.

The end of the Mayan calendar is still a mystery, and while the mystery of 2012 leans toward the apocalyptic, there is a chance that it is simply a point of renewal.