Friday, April 27, 2012

Latest Solar Flare Activity april 27 2012

Sunspot 1466 located in the northern hemisphere, produced an M1.0 Solar Flare at 08:24 UTC Friday morning. Despite all of the Sunspots this month, this was only the second M-Class flare in April.

Potential Impacts: Satellite systems may experience significant charging resulting in increased risk to satellite systems.

FARSIDE ACTIVITY: For more than a week, solar activity has been low. On April 26th around 0600 UT, an active region on the farside of the sun broke the calm with a powerful eruption. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a massive cloud of plasma flying over the sun's southwestern limb:

The same active region has since hurled three CMEs into space. The clouds will certainly miss Earth, but they might hit Mercury, which appears to be in the line of fire.