| Solar Cycle 24 | Space Weather and Amateur Radio Website
M5.5 Eruption / Earth Directed CME / Radiation Storm |
Moderately strong M5.5 solar flare event observed around region 2673 on Monday evening.UPDATE: An update regarding the M5.5 solar flare event around region 2673 this evening at 20:33 UTC. The flare was associated with a Type II radio emission with an estimated velocity of 1472 km/s, along with a 10cm radio burst (TenFlare) lasting 52 minutes and measuring 1600 solar flux units (SFU). Low energy proton levels as measured by the GOES-13 spacecraft are currently on the rise. Updated coronagraph imagery courtesy of LASCO C3 shows a coronal mass ejection (CME) leaving the sun and at least a portion of this cloud may be Earth directed. More updates to follow. UPDATE #2 @ 00:45 UTC (Sep 5): Proton levels continue to rise following the eruption around 2673 earlier this evening. A minor (S1) radiation storm is currently in progress. M5.5 Eruption / Earth Directed CME / Radiation Storm |