Solar flares are thunderous storms that take place in the outer layer of the sun producing a explosions of extremely powerful and hazardous radiation. A typical solar activity will increase and decrease in 11 year periods, with the next storm expected in 2012. However, due to several calculations from NASA scientists, the force of the 2012 solar storm is unlike any solar storm ever recorded in the history of mankind.
Since 2001, NASA scientists has been keeping track of a massive solar storm predicted to strike earth in 2012 with an intensity of 100 million hydrogen bombs going off at the same time. On August 2010, NASA warned that a massive solar storm is developing and is very likely to destroy earth's electrical grid. So what does that mean for the planet? No electrical power. GPS systems will fail, airports will be suspended, mass communication will be eliminated with a potential to wipe out orbiting satellites. There will be a complete blackout all over the world.
The History of Solar Flares
Similar solar flares in the past (1859 and 1921) triggered global chaos, destroying a large amount of telegraph wire connections. The solar flare prediction for 2012 is expected to be even more cataclysmic than before as we rely predominantly on technological devices in our everyday life.
The Impact
According to NASA, the solar storm predictions for 2012 will cause up to 2 trillion dollars in damage to earth's electrical transformers and technology system and losing electricity power for up to 10 years. Devastation to electrical power grids along with other communications technology will be devastating, scientists conclude, with results heading to a loss of government control of the scenario.
Since 2001, NASA scientists has been keeping track of a massive solar storm predicted to strike earth in 2012 with an intensity of 100 million hydrogen bombs going off at the same time. On August 2010, NASA warned that a massive solar storm is developing and is very likely to destroy earth's electrical grid. So what does that mean for the planet? No electrical power. GPS systems will fail, airports will be suspended, mass communication will be eliminated with a potential to wipe out orbiting satellites. There will be a complete blackout all over the world.
The History of Solar Flares
Similar solar flares in the past (1859 and 1921) triggered global chaos, destroying a large amount of telegraph wire connections. The solar flare prediction for 2012 is expected to be even more cataclysmic than before as we rely predominantly on technological devices in our everyday life.
The Impact
According to NASA, the solar storm predictions for 2012 will cause up to 2 trillion dollars in damage to earth's electrical transformers and technology system and losing electricity power for up to 10 years. Devastation to electrical power grids along with other communications technology will be devastating, scientists conclude, with results heading to a loss of government control of the scenario.