Wednesday, August 22, 2012

latest solar flare activity august 22 2012

Updated Aug 22 2200 UTC

Joint USAF/NOAA Report of Solar and Geophysical Activity
SDF Number 235 Issued at 2200Z on 22 Aug 2012

IA. Analysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity from 21/2100Z
to 22/2100Z: Solar activity was very low. Region 1548 (N18E18)
produced the largest event of the period, a B6/Sf flare at 22/1658Z.
The remaining numbered regions were stable and quiet. A full halo
CME was observed in SOHO/LASCO C2 coronagraph imagery beginning at
21/2024Z with an estimated plane-of-sky speed of 884 km/s. STEREO-A
and STEREO-B COR2 imagery shows this CME to be a back-sided event
and is not expected to be geoeffective. SDO/AIA 193 imagery showed a
filament eruption in the vicinity of plage Region 1549 (S18W72) at
approximately 22/0930Z. A CME was subsequently observed in LASCO/C2
coronagraph imagery at 22/1012Z, and in LASCO C3 imagery at
22/1118Z. Analysis is underway to determine the potential
geoeffectiveness of this event.

IB. Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be very
low with a slight chance for C-class flares for the next three days
(23-25 August).

IIA. Geophysical Activity Summary 21/2100Z to 22/2100Z:
The geomagnetic field was quiet to unsettled. The greater than 2 MeV
electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels during the

IIB. Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is
expected to be predominately quiet for days 1-3 (23-25 August).