UPDATED 2013 Aug 25
.24 hr Summary...
Solar activity was very low. There were no reportable flares this
period. All regions presently on the disk were either stable or
decaying. A disappearing filament was observed near N33W07 at
approximately 25/0800 UTC. No associated CME was visible at the
time of this report. The situation will be analyzed further if future
imagery deems necessary.
Solar activity is likely to be low (Below M1-Minor) for days one and two
(25 - 26 Aug) and expected to be very low with a chance for C-class
flare activity on day three (27 Aug).
Energetic Particle
.24 hr Summary...
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at
moderate to high levels, reaching a maximum flux value of 3,575 pfu at
24/1825 UTC. The greater than 10 MeV proton flux at geosynchronous
orbit was at background levels throughout the period.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux is expected to be at moderate to
high levels for the next three days (25 - 27 Aug). The greater than 10
MeV proton flux is expected to remain at background levels (Below
S1-Minor) for the next three days (25 - 27 Aug).
Solar Wind
.24 hr Summary...
Solar wind parameters, measured at the ACE spacecraft, decreased to near
background levels during the period. Speeds began at approximately 475
km/s reaching 400 km/s at the time of this report. Total field decreased
from 7 nT to 5 nT. IMF Bz was predominately positive until 25/0310 UTC,
when a positive (away) to negative (towards) solar sector boundary
crossing occurred. At that time Bz turned south and has remained at a
steady -3 nT.
Solar wind speed is expected to remain steady around 400 km/s on day one
(25 Aug), before becoming enhanced on days two and three (26 - 27 Aug)
due to coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) effects.
.24 hr Summary...
The geomagnetic field was at quiet levels.
The geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet to unsettled (Below
G1-Minor) with a chance for isolated active conditions in the nighttime
sector on day one (25 Aug) due to prolonged negative Bz. The field is
expected to be predominately quiet to unsettled levels for days two and
three (26 - 27 Aug) due to CH HSS influence.